CIAMBest Practices

Other cases

Traditional Website

A "traditional" website relies on reloading pages, not using AJAX.

We provide best practise recommendations in this case.

  • no AJAX: all conversation is by reload
  • refresh page does not trigger log in
  • developers should use their own sessions so tokens stay in backend
  • avoid cookies where possible; use HTTP Only cookies when not
  • use CSRF protection (required because you have cookies)
  • ensure the correct CORS settings
    • especially, do not use origin=* and allowcredentials=true

Hybrid apps

There are many ways to put the different pieces of web design together, so we cannot speak to them individually. 

  • Where relevant, follow the recommendations given in other parts of the page
  • Be very concerned about security, especially when configuring CORS and PKCE as required.
  • Use standard frameworks whereever available
  • Make sure your approach is well-documented. 

See also